Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Art-Personal (Wizard of Oz Reference)


The most difficult about the this project was creating a perspective
of the layout which I have many problems with. Do you think I
accomplished somewhat of a perspective?
The most time consuming part of this project was, of course,
the wooden fence because I had to duplicate each piece
many times. Before I did, I used color dodge and burn tool
to give some depth to the wooden piece to make
them look more realistic. After that, I then began
to position the field and ground. The field went right in place
and needed no duplication (thank goodness), but the ground
was a whole different story. I had duplicated and converged
same pieces together and used the eraser and clone stamp
tools to blend all them in.
Off to Dorothy (Stephanie), the extraction was a little tedious,
but after that I cropped her right leg to create movement
(to show that she is fleeing away from the tornado - thanks
to my Professor for showing me that). I then color adjusted
Toto (my dog Scruffy), trying to resemble the black dog
in the story/movie. Lastly, I made two shapes with a red
fill color, to create the importance of this picture - the
ruby slippers. Then added some brush clicks to
add those sparkle effects.
The tornado and clouds came easy, made the tornado
with a cloud picture and transformed it into the shape
of a tornado, and added color adjustment for a more
darker color. The clouds involved some duplication
and used some color adjustments as well.
And finally, I finished off using the brush to create
a grass-like pattern in the field, and created a debri
brush present to show some mess flying around.

DVD Cover (Demon Child)


I started thinking about a background and started experimenting
with different ideas while sketching, then I played with
different gradients and came to the one that you see.
I added the picture of my nephew next and proceeded
to add very hard shadows to get an erie feel.
I then went to shape his eyes and made new ones
with paths and colored them white and added
a red shape to show evilness.
I then loaded the back cover pictures and added some
outterglows with layer style. I then loaded a stock
dvd cover preset and inserted it to the bottom of
my back cover. Then I went on to the side to
add the title text and insert the
20th Century fox and DVD logos.
I went back to the front cover to add the title and
like the side title I added a bevel and emboss
texture through layer style.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Flyer II (Gears of War 3 Tournament)


I created a shape with the pen tool
and filled it with red.
I then added a couple layer styles
for the effects, like: outer glow,
inner shadow, and bevel and emboss.
Also on my shape I used the brush
to create the black spot
for a more rigid look.
The fire was made using the white, red,
and orange brush and then
altering them with transform.

Magazine Cover II (Video Game Kraze)


I started this project creating the lightspeed pattern using the pen tool/paths.
I then concluded with red and yellow because they are very vibrant
colors and stand out which was what I was going for.
Then I added the pictures of both arms, respectively,
and the controller. Then did very minor adjustments
to the controller and arms.
Then I started with the type and I was looking for a modern
type, that also had a technical sense to it. I then finished
the project off by adding the barcode and pricing.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Landscape Composite III (Tidal Wave)


    This project so far is my favorite because I like the idea so much, even though it is, somewhat cliche. I feel very good on the way the final composite came out, though it was tough to create the wave from scratch. The vehicles in the wave was pretty difficult to come up with some type of effect for them. Originally there was suppose to be some buildings in the background, behind the wave. But I figured why would their be buildings in the background if the water needs to come from somewhere right? 'Hence' this is a bride over water.
    I started with the two streets cropping them to the right size and shape. Then I began with the
most difficult and time consuming part of this project, the side walk barricade. I created the
barricade with a picture of concrete and then I duplicated and transformed that shape into
the barricade. After this, I started with the wave, at first I was thinking to myself this was going
to be a pain. But after a few attempts I started getting a good visual idea and then I applied a
watery and waving photo (texture) to get a more life-like feel. I proceeded to add the cars and
then shadows to mostly everything to make the wave feel huge and disasterous. I also used
the brush to add some wave bubbles in front of the wave and around it. Then I added the
background clouds and light posts, adding minor overlays and color adjustments.

Figure Composite II (Hollow Man)


This is my first official project and I based it on the movie, 'Hollow Man' starring Kevin Bacon. This idea really didn't take long to come up with, I had another idea of doing an immitation of the 'Terminator's' face, but I thought this idea would be more unique. I don't feel like I accomplished my goal in this project, to me it was very difficult to create that rubbery hollowness to my face. What do you think?
I started with an overlay texture to my skin to get more of a rubbery look.
Then I cut my eye sockets and mouth hole with the lasso tool
to give a hollow feel to my skin. I then proceeded
to create some bumps on my skin for
some ridgy veins popping out.
Finally, I added some
shadows to those
bumps to give some